Blackmagic Design Teranex Mini SDI to HDMI 12G
Day Price: £ POA
Convert from 12G-SDI to HDMI. Supports all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes down converter when working with a HDMI monitor, which will select the best format it can support. De-embed audio to balanced analog or AES/EBU formats and timecode output. Also includes Instant Lock on HDMI output as well as 33 point LUT. Perfect for using HDMI televisions as SDI broadcast monitors and for connecting to video projectors.
- Video In – 1 x 12G-SDI SD/HD/2K/4K auto switching
- Video Out – 1 x HDMI 2.0 type A connector with support for 2160p60
- Audio Out – 2 channels professional balanced analog audio via XLR connectors
- IEC or POE+ Power
- Reclocking Enabled
If you would like to rent the Teranex Mini SDI to HDMI 12G or if you would like to receive a full catalogue of the products we hire, please get in touch using the following:
+44 (0)20 3696 0692